Bitcoin: Bitcoin API to get input script?

Getting Started with Bitcoin Node Interactions: A Guide to Bitcoin APIs

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that relies on complex cryptographic techniques, including its underlying blockchain protocol. In order to gain insights into the network’s behavior and improve our understanding of how it works, interacting with the node itself through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) is an excellent approach. However, accessing certain nodes or data might be restricted due to security measures. Fortunately, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to access Bitcoin node inputs through various programming languages.

Bitcoin: Bitcoin API for getting an input script?

Choosing the Right API

To start, choose an API that provides access to Bitcoin’s network state and transactions. The most widely used APIs are:

  • Bitcoin-Node API: This is the official API for accessing Bitcoin nodes. It allows you to retrieve information about block headers, transaction outputs, and more.

  • Open Bitcoin Network: Open BNB Network (OBN) is a fork of the Bitcoin network that provides an alternative API for interacting with nodes.

For this article, we’ll focus on using the Bitcoin-Node API.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before you start coding, ensure you have:

  • A cryptocurrency wallet and a node connected to it.

  • The curl or Python library of your choice installed (we recommend using requests for Python).

  • Basic programming knowledge in C

    or Python.

Retrieving Block Headers and Transaction Outputs

Here’s an example of how you can use the Bitcoin-Node API in Python:

import requests

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

from bitcoinlib.crypto import privkey_to_p2sh_script, pubkey_to_bytes

Set your node URL and credentials

node_url = "

username = "your-username"

password = "your-password"

Create a PGP key pair for signing scripts

pgp_key = serialization.load_der_x509_certificate(

filename="path/to/your-private-key.pem", backend=default_backend()


def get_block_header(node_url, username, password):

headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {username}:{password}"}

response = requests.get(f"{node_url}/block.header", headers=headers)

return response.json()

def get_transaction_output(node_url, block_header_json, transaction_id):

headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {username}:{password}"}

response = requests.get(f"{node_url}/txout/{transaction_id}", headers=headers)

return response.json()

Example usage:

block_header = get_block_header(node_url, username, password)


transaction_output = get_transaction_output(node_url, block_header['header'], "your-transaction-id")


Putting it All Together

To put everything into a single function, you can create a class that handles the node interactions. Make sure to replace the placeholder values ​​(e.g., node_url, username, and password) with your actual credentials.


import requests

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

class BitcoinNodeAPI:

def __init__(self):

self.node_url = “

self.username = “your-username”

self.password = “your-password”

def get_block_header(self):

headers = {“Authorization”: f”Basic {self.username}:{self.password}”}

response = requests.get(f”{self.node_url}/block.header”, headers=headers)

return response.json()

def get_transaction_output(self, block_header_json):

headers = {“Authorization”: f”Basic {self.username}:{self.password}”}

response = requests.get(f”{ self.

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