Ethereum: bitcoind: wrong RPC user or RPC password (authorization failed)

Ethereum: Bitcoin Core Connection Problem

As a developer or user of the Ethereum blockchain, you need to make sure that your network connections are secure and working properly. In this article, we will look at a problem that can arise when connecting to the Ethereum network using Bitcoin Core (BTC-C) on Linux.

Problem: Invalid RPC user/password

The error message you receive indicates that an authorization failure occurred due to an incorrect RPCUser or RPCPassword. This can happen if your username and password do not match the ones used to install BTC-C. Let’s solve this problem step by step:

Ethereum: bitcoind: incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed)

Step 1: Check your installation

Before proceeding, make sure you have installed BTC-C correctly using the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bitcoin-core

If you didn’t use apt-get' or the installation failed, try again.

Step 2: Check your username and password

In your case, you mentioned that the host system is Linux Debian Stretch (9/x testing). Make sure you’ve created the file with the correct permissions for your username. Create a new file in/home/myUsername/.bitcoinrcor add it to the end of the existing~/.bitcoin.conffile:

sudo nano ~/.bitcoinrc

Add the following lines, replacing your actual username and password:



Replace myUsernameandmyPasswordwith the credentials you need.

Step 3: Check the configuration

After updating the configuration file, restart BTC-C:

sudo systemctl restart bitcoin-core

Now try to connect to the Ethereum network using BTC-C. Open a terminal, navigate to the /home/myUsername/Downloadsdirectory (replace~with your actual username):

cd /home/myUsername/Downloads

Run the following command:

bitcoin-cli getmininginfo --version

This should display the BTC-C version installed on your system. If you still have problems, try resetting the configuration file or updating BTC-C to the latest version.

Examples of usage:

  • Create a new wallet by running sudo bitcoin-qt –wallet-directory=/home/myUsername/.bitcoin-wallet
  • Check the connection withbitcoin-cli getbalance
  • Try to connect to the Ethereum network using

If you have additional problems or concerns, please provide more information about the error message or your environment.

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